FAA Authorized Repair Station 1B6R708C

For PT6A Repairs, Call 1-888-501-PT6A

PT6A Hot Section Inspections

PT6A Hot Section InspectionsPT6A hot section inspections are performed to ensure the integrity of the engine to reach full overhaul. A ground performance run is performed before disassembly. The engine is split at “C” Flange and the Power Section is removed. The fuel nozzles and Combustion Liner are removed. The CT Disk and Small Exit Duct as well as the Large Exit Duct are removed.

The Compressor Turbine disk and blades are visually and dimensionally inspected. The Small Duct assembly is disassembled to inspect the Compressor Turbine Stator as well as the Small Duct. The Large Duct is inspected as well as the Combustion Liner. The Fuel Nozzles are Pressure checked and Spray checked.

  • On wing hot section inspections
  • Engine run performance analysis
  • CT disk blade replacement (as required)
  • CT disk skim cut & balance 
  • CT blade stretch check and NDT
  • Small exit duct assembly rework & machining with zero grind on wing
  • Pratt & Whitney or FAA-PMA parts option
  • Starter generator gear change

Other Services

  • Field Service Support
  • Troubleshooting
  • Engine Rigging
  • Engine Changes and R&R
  • Borescope Inspections
  • Pre-purchase evaluations
  • Ad Note Containment Ring Replacement
  • Harness Thermocouple & Bus Bar Replacement (as required)
  • Vibration Analysis
  • M.O.R.E. Program Entry Inspections & Incorporation
  • On Wing 1st Stage Compressor Blending

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